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NQA Interview with Amber Dixon Part 2

Moving on from PAS 2060 Carbon Management with ISO 14068

In this video, Adam Faiers from ISO Compliance Register interviews Amber Dixon, Sustainability Assurance Manager at NQA. NQA is a leading UKAS/ANAB accredited certification body that provides certification, training and support services for ISO standards. 

In this section of the interview, we talked to Amber all about PAS 2060, and how to move on from it. NQA expects their clients looking to achieve carbon neutrality to want to make the move from PAS 2060 to ISO 14068-1. NQA will therefore be phasing out offering PAS 2060 to make way for ISO 14068-1, with applications for PAS 2060 ending in June and plans to stop delivering it by December. 

So what is ISO 14068-1, and what will the differences be when moving onto it? It closely aligns with ISO 14064-1, which covers greenhouse gas emissions, using the same principles. ISO 14068-1 involves a hierarchy of tackling carbon emissions and discusses removals, something that is not currently discussed under PAS 2060. It then talks about reductions and offsetting.  

The differences between them can be confusing, due to their closeness in aims. NQA plans to put together gap analysis documentation to make the differences easier to understand, which will be used to support their clients through the transition process.